About Pastor Ifeoma Eze


I’ve had my shares of ups and downs,
I’ve had near death experiences and have feared for my life,

I’ve had people conclude about my future,
Told me I don’t fit into the picture all because they fear my tomorrow,

I stand though I have been knocked down by life and the reason why I stand every time I am knocked down by life is because I don’t want the story of my life to be told shabbily,
You know, if you say you can, you are right
and if you say you can’t, you are still right,
it all depends on you,

People will tell you, you can’t,
Folks will tell you, you shouldn’t,
but all that matters is what you tell yourself,

When life throws you lemons make lemonades,
when life throws you test make testimonies out of it cause when life threw me a mess,
I made a message out of it,

I may be woman but I am still human,
and I choose to live life to the fullest,
I am the one whose life is like a coat of many colours,
and I choose to let every light in me shine,
I am a seed of light and nothing will stop my light,
You see, my background doesn’t matter, my past doesn’t matter ,the colour of my skin doesn’t matter because every minute detail of my life was skillfully sculpted to make a masterpiece out of me

So, understand me when I still choose to stand because I can succeed if no one believes in me but I am certain I wouldn’t, if I don’t believe in myself
So, beat me a million times I will still stand
mock me a million times, I will still stand,
for I know that every set back in my life was orchestrated for my Glorious set up.

And today, I decide that no matter what comes my way, no matter what tomorrow holds as long as I know the one who holds tomorrow, i will stand until I become all I was made to be……

Forgetting my past and fears
I stand
Looking ahead towards the future,
I stand
Ignoring the shakings and uncertainties,
Still I stand.
By Pastor Ifeoma Eze.

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