Church Administration Consultancy

Church administration can become an overwhelming task for churches, but it’s a necessary part of every faith community. Whether it is prayer groups or pastoral care, evangelism or executive meetings, faith retreats or finances, there’s an administrative component in every area of ministry.

In a world that expects quality and excellence, churches should be shining examples, reflecting what it looks like to offer God our very best. But excellence doesn’t come easy. It’s the result of careful planning, implementation, evaluation, and continuation that come from successful and efficient administration.

If you engage her for your Church Administration Consultancy, you will get efficient, effective tools to help churches handle the operational side of church ministry. Her Church Administration tool kits are filled with practical, reusable resources, it provides an assortment of guidelines, training helps, templates, suggestions, and practices to enhance efficiency and successfully manage administrative duties and tasks. And best of all, everything is completely reproducible! The CD offers an assortment of adaptable worksheets and templates, including Job descriptions, office guidelines, telephone protocol, and training information to enhance the working relationships of pastors and office assistants, Performance evaluations for pastoral staff and ministry assistants. Project development and management planning forms, Policies and procedures for a variety of ministries.

PIE Consults exists to help Christian or Faith Based Organisations, Church Denominations, and Local Churches to advance the Kingdom of God by working to fulfil the Great Commission of Matthew 28:18-20. We are particularly committed to strengthening the local church by providing relevant and professional advice and concrete action plans towards multiplication.

Do you need help? Speak to me via the mediums below.

Also send an email to: [email protected] or send a What’s App message to +234 805 716 1060